Saturday, January 16, 2010

Electro Schock Masterbation What Would Change The Particles In Your Brain?

What would change the particles in your brain? - electro schock masterbation

In addition to the electric-shock therapy.


Enviro-Mentally Retarded said...

Hochi Yes you are right, that makes it boring

Enviro-Mentally Retarded said...

Hochi Yes you are right, that makes it boring

Enviro-Mentally Retarded said...

Hochi Yes you are right, that makes it boring

Hochie said...

What do you mean by a particle? Does this mean that the neurons?

Or does it mean simply: "What do you think differently or be otherwise?

Well, as boring as it sounds, every Christian can change your brain. You can learn to develop a personal relationship with God, hope where there was none, and that changes everything.

Others are only forms of medication, cognitive behavioral therapy is good to change some things - but not all, dialectical behavior therapy and speech therapy from others.

It depends on how you change your brain - you need to know before you know what you do have to make this change.

Hochie said...

What do you mean by a particle? Does this mean that the neurons?

Or does it mean simply: "What do you think differently or be otherwise?

Well, as boring as it sounds, every Christian can change your brain. You can learn to develop a personal relationship with God, hope where there was none, and that changes everything.

Others are only forms of medication, cognitive behavioral therapy is good to change some things - but not all, dialectical behavior therapy and speech therapy from others.

It depends on how you change your brain - you need to know before you know what you do have to make this change.

eobealoc... said...

Radiation can.

two11ll said...

A lobotomy

Panther said...


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